Dad should be a part of the solution

In my previous blog Missing Fathers , I broached a subject that I believe needs more attention on a deeper scale. The topic of Missing Fathers is poignant with a myriad of angles, that I’m revisiting the discussion in an attempt to do it more justice. I’d also like to note that my intent is to always approach such subject matter from a solution-oriented mindset. As I watch the news, research related statistics and observe Jacksonville’s culture, I realize missing fathers is a huge problem, and the effects of their absence manifests in the children and communities I have noticed many community-based initiatives now exist with one goal: to “save” the children. One glaring flaw, in my opinion, is the fact that most of the efforts fail to appropriately re-insert the father into the family or the life of his children. Leading me to question whether that these efforts seek to replace fathers or capitalize off of their absences rather than create br...