Fences: Frustrations of a Man

The setting for most of the film was in the backyard.  If the backyard could talk it would probably tell you about frustration, unmet dreams, and regret.  It’s where Troy poured out his soul to Bono, Lyons, Rose, and Corey.  One of the most poignant points from the vantage point of the father, in my opinion, was when Troy, Lyons (eldest son), and Bono (best friend) were in the backyard discussing Troy’s journey from youth to manhood.  It was a particular situation at home causing him to leave home at the tender age of 14 after a confrontation with his daddy.  As Troy went deeper he spoke on how he survived his early years of life on his own by committing crimes in order to feed himself and ultimately his woman and child.  The thing that made this part so important to me was earlier in the movie while trying to borrow some money Lyon’s made mention of Troy not being around to raise him now he had his answer.  Troy went to prison.

This revelation gives light to an issue that plagues many families of today.  Men can only teach what they know.  Troy knew baseball and he used baseball throughout the movie in order to convey his message.  How does a man know a thing unless someone teaches them or they learn from experience?   In an earlier blog, I wrote about the mass exodus of fathers missing from the family.  Anyone looking can see the cause and effect relationship between dads absence and the development of their children.

The backyard gave way to other thought provoking conversations,  Corey, Troy’s youngest son, suggested that Troy should purchase a TV.  Troy used an example regarding priorities to show him how that was a bad idea.He told him the roof was more important that a TV and he needed to prepare to have the roof replaced.  Corey mentions that it was possible to purchase a TV on credit.  Which led to Troy teaching his son the difference between cash and credit.  Troy preached on responsibility, employment, and manners.

Troy’s character represented various feelings most men go through at some point in their life.  Most of those feelings stemmed from Troy’s frustrated at his plight in life.  Disappointment set in due to him not reaching his dream of playing baseball.  Also the frustration of barely making the necessary income to live comfortably adding the stress of provision with limited options which ultimately led to what many viewed as a bitter aging man when in actuality it could have been a cry for help.

In conclusion, I believe Troy’s character was very necessary as it can potentially open the eyes of many people.  He walked the fine line between protagonist and antagonist wrapped into one.  He showed love the best way he knew how.  It showed that men need encouragement and affirmation as well as anyone else.  The film also showed how many young men only go as far as the man before them.  The hope is in acknowledging this is an issue and then taking direction action to remedy it.  Creating a space for men to access whatever is necessary to make than the day before..


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